Developing Aperture Control (Free Lessons)

1) Why Learn Aperture Control?

What’s the point of learning to better control the aperture? Is there one? Here’s my take on why I used to NOT worry about the aperture, and why I now feel it’s extraordinarily beneficial. Dig it.

2) Open Vs. Closed Aperture Recap

A brief talk on the general differences, pros and cons, of an “open” vs a more “closed” aperture.

3) Aperture Control as a Practice Governor

The easiest way I know to start improving control of your aperture NOW, with what you’re ALREADY doing. That sounds pretty good, right?

4) Aperture Modeling

You don’t have to come up with all the answers yourself. Understand how to model other players and what your subconscious picks up will fuel your imagination for years to come.

5) HOW to Practice the Aperture Control Exercises

We all want the exercises. I get that. However, HOW you practice is arguably far more important than WHAT you practice. Learn how to maximize the following exercises to learn more naturally, easily, and heck, you might even have a good time while you’re at it.

6) Breath Attacks

Some finer points on the well-known, super-effective method for finding just the right balance between flow and tension.

7) Mouthpiece Buzzing for People Who Hate Mouthpiece Buzzing and Finding “Alignment” (stolen straight from one of the modern trumpet greats)

I used to hate mouthpiece buzzing. It made my chops feel weird and it’s a fact of trumpet playing that you don’t need to be able to do it. Now I do it every day as part of my warm-up. Here’s how. It’s a game-changer.

8) Finer Points on Aperture Control

Let’s cover a few more important points before diving into the “muscle-builders” in the next video. It’s important!

9) Introduction to Isometrics for the Embouchure

Why practice isometrics? Is it really just a giant crock of BS? Here’s my take on iso’s, why they are AMAZING for developing muscle control, and how to apply the basic concepts to both the “Mouth-Thigh-Master-Thing (Thanks, J.L.),” as well as the classic “Pencil Exercise.”

Get your own Mouth-Thigh-Master-Thing HERE (It’s cheap, but it works. Toss it in the cart with some other Prime stuff).