trumpet breathing

The “Ins and Outs” of Breathing for Trumpet Playing

breathing for trumpet playing

Breathing for Trumpet Playing

Since the trumpet is a wind instrument, and controlled by the breath, learning to breathe more efficiently will make trumpet playing easier, and help you sound better.

Now while all you have to do is breath in, and then breathe out (through the horn) to produce a tone, the quality of the breath does have a direct effect on your results. …

Air Flow & Breath Control for Trumpet Playing


The importance of air in relation to trumpet playing is this: without it you cannot play the trumpet.

So, how can we get our air really working for us? Well, it is important to keep in mind that what we ultimately want to achieve is a steady air stream. When the air stream has a constant flow rate the coordination of our body becomes substantially easier. It is the feeling of easy brass playing.

Getting to it

To achieve a wide column of air, which promotes a full sound, imagine …